Storia e Modernità per un Soggiorno Unico

History and Modernity for a Unique Stay

Design and Hospitality Florence is famous for its ability to combine history and modernity, a balance that is also reflected in the hospitality sector. The hotels and apartments are designed with ...

ArredobagnoStand by Ex.t: Minimalismo Contemporaneo

Stand by Ex.t: Contemporary Minimalism

The Stand collection – designed for Ex.t in 2015 and now iconic – is undoubtedly characterized by geometric purity and sober authenticity, capable of coexisting in balance. The relationship between...

ArredobagnoOrigami, linee spezzate e suggestioni déco nelle nuove collezioni arredo bagno di Ex.t

Origami, broken lines and déco suggestions in the new bathroom furniture collections by Ex.t

In conversation with Ellen Bernhardt and Paola Vella, protagonists of two collections “extraordinary” presented during the Milan Design Week. HOW WAS THE BERNHARDT-VELLA STUDIO BORN? ...