
Ufficio in casa: i nostri consigli per un home office funzionale e di design
Consigli Arredo

Home Office: Our Tips for a Functional and Designer Home Office

In recent years, the boundaries between home and office have changed dramatically. More and more people have had to create a dedicated work space within their homes. Furnishing a "home office"...


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Bathroom Remodeling Guide: The 3 Essential Steps

The bathroom is a very intimate space, perhaps the most personal of the entire house. For this reason, during the renovation phase, the choice of finishes and furnishings must be made based on y...

OutdoorArredo outdoor fuori.. dall’ordinario

Outdoor furniture out of the ordinary

When we think of a house, we think of something that lives inside an enclosed space. An interior scene. Yet there are many possibilities for living and furnishing the outdoor areas of your home. ...

Atelier AretiArredare una Sala da Pranzo Moderna

Furnishing a Modern Dining Room

The modern dining room is the heart of conviviality, where the family gathers to enjoy excellent food and share the day's experiences. Furnishing this space in a functional and stylistically imp...

Our Events

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Interior Talks: Incontri Materici, esploriamo la Ceramica

Interior Talks: Material Encounters, Let's Explore Ceramics

The first meeting of the Interior Talks series explored ceramics, a leading material on the architectural and design scene. The session opened with an introduction to recent technological ...

Green living: un evento in collaborazione con Fabbri Vivai

Green living: an event in collaboration with Fabbri Vivai

The "Green Living" event, organized by TaniniHome in collaboration with Fabbri Vivai of Arezzo, was a great success. The meeting brought the topic of living well-being back to the forefront, und...

Natale tra Arte e Design

Christmas between Art and Design

Tanini Home celebrates with Funky Table and the Art of Kintsugi On Thursday, December 1st, at the Florentine store TaniniHome, we celebrated the arrival of Christmas with an evening dedicated...

Street Arch: Writer e Architetti si sfidano a colpi di graffiti

Street Arch: Writers and Architects Challenge Each Other with Graffiti